A ma to vobec farebny hladacik a displej ? Co ak aj tie su monochrom ? :)
Vo vsetkych technickych udajoch sa ohladom hladacika uvadza iba hodnota 3,680,000 pixelov. To moze znamenat bud farebne rozlisenie 1280×960, alebo tiez aj monochrom rozlisenie cca 2220x1660.
Na stranke
https://camerajabber.com/reviews/leica-q2-monochrom/ sa pise:
"Leica has used the same 3,680,000-pixel OLED electronic viewfinder (EVF) in the Q2 Monochrom as is in the Q2."
Na jednej strane, Q2 ma hladacik farebny, takze aj Q2 Monochrom bude mat farebny. Ale dalej sa pise:
"In the Q2 it gives a very detailed and accurate preview of the captured images. According to Leica, the switch from colour to black and white makes the viewfinder seem even sharper and clearer."
Co by zase na druhej strane mohlo znamenat, ze ten hladacik bude monochrom a bude mat vdaka tomu vyssie rozlisenie.
Ale na tretej strane, monochrom Leicy obecne umoznuju ukladat nielen cisto ciernobiele fotky, ale aj fotky v roznych farebnych odtienoch (sepia, selenium...), takze farby v hladaciku a na displeji su tak ci tak potrebne, aby sa dalo spravne zobrazit zvolene farebne ladenie fotky.